How to Stop Wasting Time on the Internet for Good

The Internet consumes more of your time than anything else. You can start viewing a movie, check out what your pals are up to online, and read your favourite blog with just one click. It truly is an endless source of diversion. What we frequently overlook when considering the Internet is that excessive website surfing operates in the same way as any other addiction. It manipulates our brain's reward system, making us feel uninspired to engage in real-world activities that promote personal growth, such as socializing, exercising, and working.

“Internet addiction has been shown to significantly influence stress, depression, time management, and anxiety levels.” says freelancer Keith, an expert dealing in online essay help and Online Essay Help Australia.

Ways to put an end to spending time on the Internet once and for all

1. Establish Daily Objectives

Setting daily objectives is something I've discovered that helps me avoid spending time on social media while I'm at work. Setting goals for myself, such as publishing a specific amount of blog entries, help me remain on track.

2. Establish a Routine

Other valuable hints for avoiding social media addiction may be found here. You should, for example, establish a regimen. Naturally, not all routines will be followed in the same way every day. But I have a broad pattern that I follow from week to week and day today. This not only makes my morning go faster, but it also makes my entire day go more smoothly. It also helps me avoid spending time on social media.

3. Make email, text, and social media breaks a priority

Instead of checking your phone for social network notifications every time you get a notice, between other work activities, schedule email, text, and social media breaks. When you're at work, this can help you stay on track and productive. There are a few various approaches you may take.

You can take these breaks at various times throughout the day. Unless you're waiting for an urgent response, disregard your alerts the rest of the time. This will prevent you from being engrossed in social media for an extended length of time.

4. Make use of time blocking

Time blocking is a technique for devoting a certain amount of time to a single activity or a collection of chores. This time management tip helps you get more done by working uninterrupted on one or more things on your to-do list.

Furthermore, time blocks protect you from losing time while your brain adjusts to the change from one project to the next.

For instance, you could be working on a project that requires the use of Google Docs. Complete all of your Google Doc chores one by one to make time blocking work for you. Not only will your brain function quicker, but you will also save time by not having to open and close programs. This saves time and prevents you from checking social media during the pauses between jobs. There will be fewer opportunities to be lured into social media and squander time with occasional social media breaks.


For most individuals, especially those who work full-time and then some, time management is an ongoing challenge. Instead of wasting time on the internet searching for non-useful data students can search for online Assignment Help Websites and online essay help as they will provide them assistance in academics. We must be continuously aware of how we use our time or risk becoming overburdened with a job or household responsibilities. While social media may be fun, instructive, and inspiring, it can also be addictive. Try the suggestions above if you want to prevent becoming hooked on social media and squandering time.
